Compare results of multiple spflow_models
a list of models that should be compared (only spflow_model-class()
is used)
a character indicating which statistics should be reported
a named numeric indicating the codification of significance levels
a numeric indicating to what decimal the results should be rounded
a logical, if TRUE
the standard errors are added in parenthesis
a data.frame
res_ge <- spflow(y9 ~ . + P_(DISTANCE), multi_net_usa_ge, "ge_ge")
res_usa <- spflow(y9 ~ . + P_(DISTANCE), multi_net_usa_ge, "usa_usa")
compare_results(list("GE" = res_ge, "US" = res_usa),
global_vars = c("N_sample", "R2_corr", "model_coherence"))
#> GE US
#> rho_d 0.497*** 0.445***
#> rho_o 0.333*** 0.312***
#> rho_w -0.227*** -0.192***
#> (Intercept) 10.198*** 8.107***
#> (Intra) 9.871*** 8.19**
#> D_X 0.983*** 1.009***
#> D_X.lag1 0.509*** 0.66***
#> I_X 2.035*** 2.036***
#> O_X -0.759*** -0.787***
#> O_X.lag1 -0.367*** -0.358***
#> P_DISTANCE -2.622*** -3.056***
#> N_sample 256 781
#> R2_corr 0.992 0.995
#> model_coherence Validated Validated